Young Text Shop Shop
Shop with Mothers’ Union Enterprises (MUe) Looking for cards or gifts?    For stationary, jewellery, gifts, toys, books and cards for every occasion have a look at the latest catalogue from Mary Sumner House. All items in the catalogue may be ordered from by one of two ways - By contacting one of the four local MUe Reps listed below York Rep Mrs Hilary Castle Tel: 01904 728343 Email: Northern Cleveland Rep Mrs Jennifer Finel Tel: 01642 711041 Email: East Riding Rep Mrs Val Anderson Tel: 01482 632982 Email: Online at If you order online ensure that you insert ‘York’ as the diocese so that we benefit from your order. Mary   Sumner   House   publishes   a   large A4   catalogue   twice   a   year   as   well   as   2   mini   catalogues   that   offer   a   wide range of MU cards, books, Fairtrade goods, notelets, jewellery  and many other items. The   Spring   mini   catalogue   illustrates   Mothering   Sunday   cards,   Easter   cards   and   general   cards   and   gifts   and   the mini Autumn catalogue illustrates Christmas cards, calendars, diaries, cards, jewellery and gifts. Profits   from   all   sales   support   the   work   of   Mothers'   Union .    Fighting   poverty,   injustice   and   tackling   family   issues, Mothers'   Union   works   through   4   million   members   in   81   countries.   Don’t   forget   that   MUe   orders   raise   important revenue for the diocese and every card promotes MU projects and advertises our aims and objectives! 10%   of   money   from   items   bought   from   your   MUe   Rep   or   the   catalogue   comes   back   to   the   Trustees Treasurer.   So   keep   the   orders   rolling   in,   invite   a   rep   to   a   branch   or   deanery   meeting   and   remember   to wear your badge often and with pride! Latest   grant   news:    the   spreadsheet   from   MSH   indicates   that   our   diocese   will   receive,   for   2013,   a   grant   of £1,048.87p   and   rates   York   as   5th   from   a   list   of   67   diocese’   in   the   UK   and   Ireland.   This   relates   to   all   items (cards, books, gifts etc) from the MU catalogue over that past year. Many thanks to all who sold, bought items from the MUe Reps. ...It shows that every penny helps!
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